Ajou News

NEW ROK Air Force Chief of Staff visits Ajou to discuss matters related to the Department of Military Digital Convergence

  • 2020-06-16
  • 3616

May 12, 2020


A delegation of ROK Air Force officers, including the Air Force Chief of Staff, visited Ajou University to discuss matters pertaining to the Department of Military Digital Convergence and terms of cooperation.
On May 12, ROK Air Force Chief of Staff, Won In-choul, and other Air Force officers met with a group of faculty members, including University president Park Hyung-ju, in the president’s office at Yulgok Hall. Also present were Prof. Lim Jae-seong, Vice-President of Industrial-Academic Cooperation and Dean of the Department of Military Digital Convergence; Prof. Kim Sang-in, Provost of the College of Information Technology; and Prof. Kim Jeong-sik from the Department of Military Digital Convergence.
After exchanging greetings at Yulgok, the officers and the professors then moved to Yeonam Hall to discuss the matters at hand.
The Department of Military Digital Convergence came into being in 2015 under a contract between Ajou and the ROK Air Force. All students enrolled in the department are on four-year full scholarships from the Air Force, on the condition that they will serve as commissioned officers for seven years after graduation. Upon completion of all seven years, they may choose to continue their careers in the military or find new opportunities in the defense industry or research.
The ROK Air Force Chief of Staff and other high-level officers have been visiting Ajou every year since the department’s creation to meet and encourage the students. This year’s event was downsized from usual in terms of scope and reach due to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing.
#What to Study: Department of Military Digital Convergence
Excerpted from Ajou Insight Spring Edition, 2018